Whoopsy-Daisy, Where Are You?
Master inspector detective Whoopsy-Daisy from the Master Inspector Detective Agency takes every assignment – even the wildest one. A simple task can turn into a most peculiar adventure when it comes to our master inspector detective. Everyday stumbles can take the master inspector detective Whoopsy-Daisy into surprising imaginary worlds – into space and deep waters.
Master inspector detective Whoopsy-Daisy: Jouni Bäckström
Direction: Päivi Aura, Kati Lehtola
Sound design: Jouni Bäckström
Script: working group
Sound control: Kati Lehtola
Picture: Keanne van de Kreeke
Duration: approx. 20 min
Age recommendation: over 4 years old
Photos: Juha Hilpas
The performance is part of the Small Size, Performing Arts for Early Years project of EU’s Creative Europe programme.
Creative Europe Programme
of the European Union